Friday, March 20, 2009

Daily Show

There was a really cool line from the interview with Bill Cramer of Mad Money. Jon said "Now we're both sell snake oil, but we sell ours as snake oil while you market it as some medicinal tonic."

Or something like that.

But the idea that a show can honestly say its dishonest while still critiquing others for non-transparently being dishonest is pretty positive. It also shows the new direction of the Show. No longer is it Jon's job to be the man who pokes fun at the administration, because the American people like the new administration, particularly Jon's demographic of young liberals. So the new job is defending the little guy, an odd stance for a pundit who labeled himself an outside observe who puts everything at arms length.

There was this other good point about how the demographic has changed, that the new face of crime is well dressed white people who stole millions of dollars from the american public. It then put up a picture of President Obama and Berny Madoff, asking which one of these do you expect to be president and which one do you suppose would have money problems?

I like new direction, but I kind of miss the Skippy McDumbutt and Vader power hour, the world seemed less precarious then.

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